
Therimage Labels - ink without the label

In it's day, this was the most popular way to label a plastic bottle and these labels are still very much around.

So picture this... a layer of wax is coated onto paper. Then the label graphics are printed onto the wax, upside down and backwards. Finally, a layer of clear heat senstive adhesive is printed on top of everything and the "labels" are made into rolls.

To apply the "label" to the bottles, the paper side of the roll passes over a heated platen which softens the wax and activates the adhesive. When the plastic bottle is rolled over the heated label, the adhesive sticks and the wax actually splits. You are left with the label image on the bottle (rightside up and forwards) with a layer of wax over the graphics.

You can still find many household products with this type of label. Look for a label with no paper or plastic label material and look for the faint edge of the wax around the outside of the graphics. Check out plastic bottles in your home - cosmetics, personal hygene, household cleaners, etc.

Just a little slice of technology you can find in your own home.


Anonymous said...

This is amazing stuff Bob. I am not the type of person who easily understands this stuff and you insight is enlightening.


Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Thank you for teaching us about Therimage Labels. I did not know that was how it was done. I am glad that you made this to show us how it is done.

"CW" said...


You have a tough blog to get into for a non handyman.My families from Pa, what part of Pa. is you home town? I'm an old Rock guy myself and John Mayer is the best guitar I've hear since the seventies.